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the fast adopted when the SmallPox was either apprehended, or actually merailed?. Forms will be found intermingled with this ceremonial, which would seem to unknown that it was not introduced until the original, Ah, tawh, hung, nah, had become materially corrupted by interpolations derived not only from the sun or moon, or similar worship, but from superstitions yet more fantastic. Among them were certain imaginations regarding the source of the deprecated disease. It was personified, and as follows: An invisible sprite was supposed to be its causer; or, as some say, a kind of Devil called Ko, sv, kv, a, ski, ni; always disposed to evil, but kept confined by the Beings Above, and only set loose at their will to destroy. -- Others represent the tormentor in the plural, and that these devils are sprites of a quiet disposition and easily persuaded to let people alone. They were of either sex. The female was of a ripe chestnut burr colour, and similarly covered all over with fine prickles. Wherever she flitted, the prickle, on touching any one, raised the fine red pimple characteristic of the disease. -- The male was said to be of the ripe poke berry hue; and his touch, wherever that of the other had preceded, gave the blacknefs which the