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water of purification; and that, as there was supposed to be a purifying and averting influence in all the prayers and sacrifices and other characteristics of the occasion, the supposed efficacy of the festival naturally occurred to those who desired to turn aside judgements from on high; and so at last it was gradually brought into more frequent use than acient custom warranted. Hence the later "Physic Dance," the title where-of is so significant; and which festival, though differing in many particulars from the ancient [u] Ah, tawh, hung, nah, [/u] is evidently borrowed from it. It will be also seen, that, under whatever modification it chanced to assume, the [u] Ah, tawh, hung, nah, [/u] formed the basis of all the occasional deprecatory ceremonies; although varied more or less when Contagious Fevers, & other epidemics prevailed; __ and, __ in times nearer to our own, on the appearance of the SmallPox;__ and yet to a greater degree, in cases which will be named subsequently. These changes we proceed to notice. Having portrayed the first two, we shall mention the others, equally derived from the [u] Ah, tawh, hung, nah, [/u] but intermingled with heterogenous forms, evidently introduced