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all put on dry clothes.

    While this ___tration? was proceeding, the priest set a root on the stand for each person, and also placed his Divining chrystal there; and went through the various conjurations already related in describing this part of the National Celebration of the same festival; and returned from the water's side, afterwards, in the same way, with his right hand men. The people, too, as then, received medicinal roots and performed the rites accompanying their bestowal.
    Having reached the house of sacrifice, the right hand men, bearing the skins folded; --- and followed by the priest, entered by themselves; while the people went to the convocation house. In the house of sacrifice, -- the right hand men having previously prepared their altar of earth, -- and their fire of seven kinds of bark, -- the priest made his offering of deer's tongue with as much mush as would rest on the point of a knife, and, over all, a sprinkling of wild tobacco. The priest disclosed to his right hand men the omens of the day; and the first right hand man then went directly to the people waiting in the convocation house, and made them known. If any were to die, the number was proclaimed but