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the sunlight on it. When assured of the hour, he summoned the people to follow him to the convocation house. There, all were placed in rows, standing with their faces to the east. He then prayed with them, but in a tone too low to be audible. Two deerskins, one of a buck, and one of a doe, were then spread upon the stand, with the flesh side up. The priest then took a piece of new cloth which had been given for the occasion; and he folded it and put it on the deer skins. Upon the buckskin, he laid seven strands of beads, each about six inches in length, one for each clan. All the women, having previously supplied themselves each with a string about six inches long, with three beads on it, -- one red, one white and one black, -- each wet the beads with spittle, -- (infants not excepted, -- the mothers acting for them), -- and walked up in succession and placed them on the doeskin. The men next did the same, putting theirs on the buckskin. The skins were now folded so as to leave only the hair visible. The two right hand men took them up. The people were directed, without looking either to the right hand, or the left, but only straight forward, (as when going to bathe at the First New Spring Moon Festival), -- to proceed to the bank of the stream, where they were not to look about,