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that, anciently, at a certain part of the year, all fasted every seventh day; little children till noon; then, all bathed. ___ and from others we hear that Ye, ho, waah commanded the people to rest from all work every seventh day, holding their hands entirely still, resting them on their knees, open, and the palms upward, in adoration. If they should labour on that day, they, or some of their children, would die. They must not talk about common things on that day, but only of The Being Who Dwells on High.

    The primitive occasional Festivals next claim our attention.
    It is certain that from the remotest times, religious assemblies were convened especially, in every case of public apprehension or calamity. The ancient churches, as has been mentioned already, ascribed all sufferings, and mortal diseases; especially, ____ to the displeasure of The Being Who Dwells above, ____ against whose wrath nothing could prevail but the Ah, tawh, hung, nah, ____ Propitiation, or Cementation, Festival; ____ hence, in all such exigencies, it was originally resorted to for that purpose; and the elders say, by the express command of their Creator.
    But the other occasional Festival of which we have spoken as occurring every seven years,

NOTE: Check mark in margin marking check mark between "above,____against"