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the Yo, wah, teekahnaw, glistee, or Gowah Chanter, .____ not till after dark.

    Thus the Oole, stool, eeh, his right hand man, the seven counsellors, and the seven women, fasted ten days successively, eating only once in twenty four hours; and the Yo, wah, teekahnaw, ghistee, who chanted the Gowah Hymn, fasted in the same manner four days; and all the people, __ men, women and children, ___ fasted two days; ___on which two days even infants fasted till noon. Every one, also, except infants, spent two whole nights, ____ namely, the first and fourth, ___ in entire wakefulness. All put off their soiled garments, either in the water, or before entering, or immediately on coming out, _____ and clothed themselves in clean apparel. Every one, also, on two different occasions, plunged entirely, making fourteen times in all.
   On the fourth night, all were required to keep continually awake. Neither might any eat, except lightly at supper. The women passed the night in a religious dance.
    On the morning of the fifth day,, sacrifice was offered again. The Oole, stool, eeh then took the purification articles from the caldron, held them till they ceased dripping, put them in the buckskin, folded it, and exclaimed "Now I return home". All responded