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    It was now just before sunset. The meat distributed in the earlier part of the day, having been cooked by the new fires, was now called for by the Great Speaker. The fleshy pieces had been pounded; and they had been boiled by themselves, and the bony ones apart also. Bread had been made of dry, new corn, pounded. MUsh, also, for old people; and homony and potatoes, beans, and all kinds of vegetables which the country afforded, had been made ready; and all were now brought forward and placed in due order. ___ The Oole, stool, eeh prayed; and after that, at his word, all commenced eating.
    But neither the seven counsellors, nor the seven women who had fasted with them the six days previous, might eat this day till after dark; and to the Oole, stool, eeh, and his right hand man, it was forbidden to touch food till late at night. Their only mean during the four and twenty hours, must be deferred till near bed time. The Go, wah Hymn, might only eat once in twenty four hours during the four days of the festival; and then, also, it must be after dark. He must also plunge seven times in the river each evening just before eating; and at day break each morning.
    On the night of this first day of