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top right hand of page "82" Now is the morning of the seventh day. The Festival is begun. The Seven Counsellors deliver the seven ears of corn brought in by the messenger, to the blank space. He commands the people to abstain during that day from all labour and from all levity. Meanwhile the altar of Earth in the centre of the National Heptagon has been repaired, as on the preceding Festival. - as then, the bark from the east side of seven particular trees has been placed on it. Seven fires makers light new fire for the sacrifice. A little before night, the blank space takes the end of the buck's tongue between the thumb and finger of one hand; and seven kernels, one four each of the seven ears of corn, in the other. He raises them on high. He utters a thanksgiving and prayer in words handed down from time immemorial, and which must never be altered or disused. They express earnest gratitude to the All Beneficent, for having permitted the fruit, to come forward and the people to behold and to enjoy them. They implore that He will so unite the corn and meat as to make them the source of healthfulness to the nation throughout the year; and that He will continue His