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from worms. The forepart of this night of the first assembling, was devoted to the Friendship Dance bu the women; but during its conclusion, all were permitted to repose. On the following morning, the Festival might be considered as begun. At an early hour, the entire population crowded to the National Heptagon. The three white dressed buck and doe and fawn skins, were now taken by the priests' right hand man, and spread near the alter fire, towards which he turned the head-part. He then took the fresh blood of a fowl, a some other creature; and with a little weed, sprinkled it on the buck skin, in a line from the nose to the tail. He then placed the Ooh, Ling, Sah, Tah, on Divining chrystal on the blood. He also morphed flowers of wild or old tobacco, gathered the year preceding, on the buck skin. Soon after sunrise, the priests order went forth for the entire multitude to repair to the river, on the bank of which a table had been previously provided for the use of the priest and seats arranged for the people. None must either look behind whom the way, nor to the right or left. The right hand man followed with the deerskins folded and the priest bought up the rear on