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when it was consulted, In this retirement they continued six days, making in all a seven days' fast. During the two first days and first night, they ate nothing: On the evening of the second day, a little after sunset, they only chewed a certain root; then, till the next day after sunset, fasted; subsequently, during the whole period, chewing the root only once in twenty four hours. But on the seventh day and night, the fast was unbroken, as was the watching; and on the morning of the eighth day, the priest took the Divining Chrystal, to see how long the boy would officiate in the place for which he was destined. Setting the stone so as to catch the first rising sunlight, the priest prayed for instruction; If the boy was to live, the symbol considered as an unerring one of that destiny would appear in it,- an aged man, with grey hair and a white bead; if no, a man would be seen there with beard and hair both black. The priest would then take the boy to a creek, and direct him to stand in the water, with his face toward the east, while he took his own place on the bank, with his face in the same direction, and prayed. He would then order the boy to plunge entirely in the water seven times in succession, first with his head to the east, then