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must always more than supply them; and the pursuit of it, would keep them in good health and spirits. _ So, out they went, light of heart; but wandered al day, and found no game. Their father was not at home when they got back, weary & hungry, at night, _ and they felt disappointed and chagrined. The next day passed in the same fruitless manner and the next night they again wished in vain for their father. They were nearly famished. "What is become of our father?" exclaimed one. "We must seek our father" cried the other. "If we seek him diligently, we shall be sure to find him," replied the first. And so they took up their bows and arrows, and went to seek their father.

Said one, pointing eastward, "perhaps he is in this direction"; and he shot an arrow eastward; but the arrow returned and stuck in the ground before them: _ Said the other, pointing northward, "perhaps he is in that direction,"_ and he shot an arrow northward; but the second arrow returned, as did the former, and they exclaimed, "Lo, he is not there!"_ Is it thitherward that he is gone?" inquired they, pointing towards the west; but the arrow returned from the west