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41 then became fixed to his position in the slay?, and is prayed to, and afish? all who desire to kill others by witchcraft; - or be - -witches any proposed victim and does the killing for the applicant, himself. The cluster usually termed the seven stars was regarded with peculiar reverence. We have not met with any prayers addrefsed? to it, but there is a wild legend of its having sprung from a family of eightboys, brothers, who were wont? to steal into Toun? Council House and beat the drum which was kept there for public solemnitie's. Some of the elders of the tribe reproving them, they took offence, and seizing the drum, darted upwards with it, beating it in defiance as they ascended. On the way, however, one of them came down with a fall so hard, that his head struck deep into the ground. He was transformed into a cedar. The three is to stand forever. It has the peculiar property, that, whenever bruised or cut, it bleeds like a human being. The rest of the seven brothers mounted as high as they desired and then became seven stars, This narrative is no doubt allegorical but no clue can be found to its signification now. There are many other celestial objects denominated ancients, and varying in figure, colour and office. They are said to be.