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Creator, - is also often found among their ancient prayers; as we have elsewhere mentioned concerning the supplication for assistance in obtaining the love of a desired female; And, indeed, it is plain that the Sun was generally considered the superior in their devotions: To him they first appealed to give efficacy to the roots and herbs they sought for medicine: - If, however, the plants failed to cure, they considered the Moon, - not the Sun, - as having caused the sickness, - and so turned for succour to the Moon. Nevertheless, at every new Moon, as will be found in our notices upon that subject, they paid special homage to the Moon, entreating him, as they then expressed themselves, to take care of them during his term. Besides the Sun and Moon, they had many inferior Deities; but the Sun & Moon were considered as supreme over the lower creation, and all the rest as having been made by them, subject to their direction, and employed in their service. To each, special duties were prescribed. The most active and efficient Agent appointed by the Sun and Moon to take care of mankind, was supposed to be Fire. When, therefore, any special favour was needed, it was made known to Fire, accompanied by an offering. It was considered as