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18 that sinew. superscript a [One of the two very great men who were ancestors of the Cherokee, and who was named E, qua, ha, yi, previous four words underlined has been already men- tioned. Of the other, who flourished later, they told much more, and his name was Wâsi word double underlined. The same development arose re- garding the name of Wâsi, with that already related of E, qua, ha, yi previous four words underlined. Owing to the incompatibility of the letter m underlined with the Cherokee pronunciation, when it became necessary to find an equiv- alent for the name Moses, in reading the scriptures, it was uniformly spoken Wâsi underlinedl and although the native translators attemp- ted to retain the English m underlined, and wrote Mosi underlined, it still continues to be pronounced only Wâsi double underlined.] The last great priest the red men ever had (probably the greatest) was the one who bore the name of Wâsi. He was the greatest prophet. He told what had been from the beginning of the world and what would be. He have an ac- count of the creation, - of events before the flood, and so forth. He also gave the people directions in all things what to do. He appointed their feasts, their fasts, and all their ceremonies. He also superscript a Nutsawi, Pinelog.