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9 to Ye, ho, waah previous three words underlined, for worship. They met there early in the morning. When the people were all seated, and in perfect silence, the priest would commence his talk. He was called U underlined, ku, wi, ù, hi previous four words underlined. No one durst? speak, or make the least noise, while the priest was talking. About noon he would become very much fatigued, but still continued till near sunset. He enjoined obedience to Ye, ho, waah previous three words underlined in every respect, telling the people they must do all that Ye, ho previous two words underlined, waah underlined had directed, and never disobey in any secret place, thinking themselves alone, for Ye, ho, waah previous three words underlined always saw them and was with them. He exhorted the people never to indulge in any idle or vain conversation, nor call any one A, ski, ni previous three words underlined, because it was wicked. He urged them to abstain from all lewdness and from polygamy. Children he exhorted to be industrious & to mind their parents. He enforced his exhortations by holding up to the people prospects of futurity, assuring them that if they were obedient, they would, when they died, go to Ye, ho, waah [previous three words underlined]] and dwell forever with Him, where it would be always light, like a pleasant, exhilarating day: But that, if they were disobedient, they would be