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305 Monday Dec 25h,- I was on Deck this morning at half past 4 O clock, it was bright starlight then, - we past Cape May Light about 5 Am- and at 7 Am a thick fogg came up- and we were obliged to stop and take soundings along- the fogg cleared off about 2 1/2 Am, and at this time, are 70 miles from New York- as the Capt tells us,- we were off Barnegatt Light about 10 Am, and at this time, it is very mild, and pleasant, more like spring, than the middle of Winter- we have been highly favoured with good weather for several days past- we were all in hopes of eating our Christmas Dinner in New York today, but find cannot,- I'll not complain however' as I think we aught not, complain, we have had so pleasant a passage so far,- we past Sandy Hook Light- about 2 1/2 Pm, and stopd at Staten Island /quarantine/ about 4 Pm, where were detained about 15 minutes by the health officer- One passenger was taken ashore sick- soon under way again and all is confusion on board the passengers, are all at work preparing to land, having their baggage carried on Deck ready to jump ashore as soon as the Custom House Officers, will let them,- we arrived safe at the wharf about sundown, and after some little trouble, have my baggage all safe on a hack and was on my way up town- I went to the Irving House