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298 very warm ride- on our arrival here were informed the Steamer would leave here some time, this Eve but at what time, they would not say- further, than we, could go on board when the gun fired, not before- so we went to one of the Public houses here, and had Supper,- and then went to look after our baggage, as none was put on board the Steamer, unless claimed by some one, and all Extra freight paid, on some before deliverance etc- here after a great deal of trouble, I made out to find all of mine, and all but one trunk, belonging to the Lady, that I accompanied across,- soon as the Gun fired, I had our baggage put on board and then returned to the house for the lady, and waited upon her on board- and then finding had few moments to spare, I went up the wharf again to see if could find the other trunk, and found the same at the bottom, of the pile, and by this time, the 2unclear Gun, had fired, as a signal for all to be on board, and this trunk, was on board in quick time I'll assure you- as well as myself,- and we sailed at 12 Oclock at night- our baggage was all put below as soon as brought on board, not giving us a chance to get a change of clothes- this we were all desirous of doing,/ I was in particular, as those I have on were wet through, and covered with mud, however' as there's no chance for a change, shall be obliged to wait patiently till tomorrow at 12 Oclock, when the baggage-