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295 started off- the French Lady finding all from our party was going,/ the Ladies,/ concluded to join us- and did- we then started and in a walk of some hour, or two, we called in to Dry Goods Stores, unclear-Hat Stores etc etc one of the ladies bought a $225- necklace/ Pearl/- in our walk about the City I had the pleasure of the French Ladies company- it was quite unfortunate for her as there was not, one in our company that could speak French however' I managed to get along very well as I thought- and I think she did too as she made known to me her situation, at this time, that is' that she was alone and unprotected by a Gentmn etc and wished me to engage a Mule for her in the morning- and see her across the Isthmus, I consented to do so, and of course 'assured her,/ as it did/ give me great pleasure in rendering her the least assistance etc she appeared more than grateful for the proffered services- and I wished I could have understood her, when I said, I would comply with the above request etc- I felt that her expressions of gratitude to me for consenting to render such assistance- would more than pay me for all the trouble I might be at,- on our return to the house we soon retired as we expect to be off from this place by 4 Oclock in the morning if possible- before it gets to be wamr,-