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292 arrive there all safe- and I should prefer being a week longer on the passage. rather than have them try, and see how quick a passage they could make etc- and this is what I have said to all- however' many of the other passengers want them to make as quick a passage as possible and without the least regard for safety- etc- however' so long as it is not for the passengers to say, think the Officers have- and will, unclear their own interest & safety as to the time etc.- Friday Dec 15.h- A Splendid morning- we past Pt Malba about daylight- from this Pt yo Panama it is 1 1/2, degrees, due north.- after breakfast had a fine bath, and arranged my things for a landing at Panama etc- we stopped at the Island of Tobaga about noon just long enough to receive a person on board/ an officer of the company,/ and arrived at anchorage in Panama bay, about 2 Oclock Pm- on our arrival here all was confusion on board, the boats from the shore came out, some 50-or 100- all anxious to secure passengers to convey ashore,/ all being obliged to find their own conveyance from the Ship, to the shore,- however not being in a hurry myself, and as some of my friends having Ladies under their charge were going to wait till the crowd had gone- and wishing