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291 Thursday Dec 14h,-A Splendid morning- had a fine night last night. very still all night- the mate, tells me we have a heavy shower in the night- this morning at sunrise we were in sight of land, and opposite the Gulf of Dulca- or/ Sweet Gulf,/- very calm all the Am- at 12 M- we were in Lat 7-42-north-Long 22-31-west. distance the last 24 hours 240 miles- and our course a little South, of East,- we past between the Islands of Queara, and Quibo about 3 Pm, and as we passed along saw it rained on the Island of Queara, and also saw a Rain bow, over the Island.- Altho quite near to both of the Islands we came along- we did not have any rain on board. neither did it rain on the other Island- as on pass between these Islands- the Island of Quibo is in the North, and some 30, or 40 miles long- and Queara on the South, and a very pretty little Island some 5 or 6 miles long only- unclear,/ the passengers", now begin to think, that we shall be to Panama tomorrow 'should nothing happen etc/ the passengers /most every one of them,/ have from the day of our leaving San-Francisco fixed upon some day, as that on which we, should arrived at Panama, and many of them, betting, on the time etc.- now so far as I'm concerned am not nor have I been particular as to how many, or on what day, we arrive at Panama- so long as we