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a treaty with them, and opened her ports to all vessels of the United States for trafic unclear etc unclear etc- we have a Liet on board our Stmr as passenger- that was in the Expidition, and by permission, is now on his way home- Via the Isthmus- as a passenger- /instead, of with the vessel to which he was attached/- around Cape Horn- he has many curiosities from Japan-- after breakfast some of us went ashore, I went round through the place, and found it in a most pitiful condition- and it's inhabitants in keeping, with the place,- all kinds of business suspended, and the inhabitants are expectin an attack from Santa Anna's forces at almost any hour- he, Santa A, being encamped some few miles back in the country as they say-- at 10 1/4 Am, having all our Coal etc etc on board- we started on our course again, having been detained only 6 hours here- while on shore I bought a few Oranges to take on board with me- some of the others bought some- there were but few however to be had, and what few, were for sale, was soon taken- from the time we took the Sun yesterday /at 12 M,/ till we arrived at Acapulco, we came about 160 miles-- the Capt didnot take an observation today, so we have not, the distance from Acapulco, since we left etc.- this