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Thursday Dec 7th,- Splendid morning again with a fine breeze, and all sail set- also, had a fine night of it last night- we have been crossing the Gulf of California yesterday, and last eve and have had a fine time crossing- Land in sight about 9 Am- at 12 M- in Lat 19-48-north- Long 105-51-West- distance the last 24 hours 244 miles- and our course about South east/ as normal,/ - this Pm had unclear sails set,- this has been a most splendid day- and much warmer- so much so, that O changed my flannels, they fealt so uncomfortable, and also had on a thin coat today- we find, as we are working along down, the Coast, it grows warmer, & warmer, most every day- and the same can be said as one goes up the Coast-/ except it grows cooler, as they go up,/- we have been in sight of land all day.- Friday Dec 8th,- A most Spledid morning- light breeze ahead, and quite warm- we are close in shore this morning.- Last evening, it was Splendid- a fine moon- with a light breeze just enough to fill our sails- and all hands on Deck- about 10 Oclock we past two