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280 as soon as a person could get ashore- Winslow- left. and is to come down in the morning for our baggage- most of the passengers will remain on board tonight- for fear some of our baggage might be stolen had it all locked up in out State Room, soon as we arrived,- soon as our Boat touched the Wharf, she was crowded with people some looking for their Wives- some for friends they were expecting etc- and many no, doubt, to see if they could not, find some one they might make something out of etc- there was a perfect jam on board, for some 2, or 3, hours, after we arrived- I saw several on board we were acquainted with when I was here before- and from them, I learned all friends were well here- soon after Winslow left- I retired for the night, in hopes of geting some rest- but such confusion on board, fear shal not, have much sleep.- Friday May 5h,- Pleasant, but rather cool this morning, it was 8 Oclock Am, before Winslow, made his appearance- he then came with a team and took our baggage- such as the Custom House officer, would allow us to take0 some had to be sent to the Custom House, as we had some harnesses packed in with our