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263 last 24 hours 204 miles- and our course today has been North North West.- Tuesday April 25h.- All hands on Deck- early this morning-- oweing to our being hailed, and fired at, by a Mexican Man O war off the port of Acapulco at about 3 Oclock Am,- they first hailed us /in Spanish,/ and ordered us to Come to- the Capt said he thought at once what the trouble was,- but still, kpet on his course, and took no notice of them- directly a Shot was fired across our bow- still we kept on- directly- another Shot, came whistling over our quarter- and by this time, our Capt thought he had better Come to- he did so- and we were boarded by an officer from the Man O war and was told we couldnot enter the port- as it was under Blockade unclear- our Capt told him we must- as we had the U S Mail- and that we were in distress- short of Provisions & Water.- after a long conversation we were ordered to remain here- till daylight- then to go on board their ship, and see the Como- and at the same time saying- Santa Anna's orders were,-/ and it appears the blockade was placed on here by him/ was- not- on any considerations whatever let a single vessel enter the harbor unclear.-