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256 passengers than they expected on board- we were obliged to stop at the Island of Taboga for more water- and in going alongside of the Store Ship, here, we carried away our Bowsprit, no other damage done tho- was detained here about one hour,- and when out on our course again the Yankee Blade was out of sight.- at sundown, we were going along very well- and prospects of a pleasant night- our course South South West- Wednesday April 19h.- Pleasant- Calm and very warm in the Am- at 12 M- we were 210 miles from Panama- past between the Islands of Kecary, and Kebo, about 3 Pm- Kecary on the Port side and Kebo- on Starbord- were in sight of land most of the Pm heavy clouds were hanging over it- beautiful and cool this Pm- and the passengers are enjoying it much.- Thursday April 20h,- Pleasant, some cooler today- steamer Yankee Blade in sight over our port bow, some 15 or 20 miles off- one of our firemen was very sick yesterday- he drank too much cold water when very warm- he is some better today. the Dr says-