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253 they are to go up in- She arrived here a day or two since direct from New York, and is now coaling at Taboga too- it is the Yankee- Blade, a new Boat, she is expected down here tonight, as it also, the Oregan, and we are in hopes to get away from this place tonight this place is overrun with strangers, at present, hardly a place to lay ones head, and awfull hot too, said to be about 2000 strangers here at present, and all bound for California, and such accommodations for strangers, I never saw before- Especially in what they call a City, almost impossible to find anything, fit to eat here- but then in the drinking line, they appear to be well stocked- and the way Rum is poured, down, here, would astonish any one,- this was Originally a walled City, at present however' a greater part of it's population, as well as buildings, are outside the walls- the business part of the place however is within the walls, as is also the Churches, and all public buildings, where I am now stoping is just within the Gates- just back of the City, there is a very high hill- on this hill Bolivar after a long while suceeded in getting his Cannons, and here he placed them at the time her destroyed this City, years ago,- , from the top of this hill you have fine command of the whole City, and from here, Bolivar fired shell into the City