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237 Wednesday April 12h,- Pleasant, and very warm this morning, we made the Island of Jamaica, about sunrise and at 8 Oclock Am, took on board two black fellows, as Pilots, and went in to Kingston, for Coal; we arrived at the wharf here about 12 M- where we found the steamer Northern Light, that sailed from N York the same day we did, she put in here for Coal too- this City, Kingston, is situated on low land, and in, some 3 miles from the open sea. the English, have a fort, and a Naval Depot, at the entrance of this harbour, here, we were obliged to stop, and were boarded by the health, & Custom house officers, were detained some half hour by them before allowed to go up to the City,- as we neared the wharf? we were surrounded by the blacks, who came swiming out alongside, and asking for money- "Massa" please give me a Dime," was the cry from all, and the passengers amused themselves by throwing five & ten cent pieces, overboard to see them dive for them,soon as a piece was thrown over, all that was near, would start and dive for it- and the one that got it was the best fellow- or person, I should have said, as there was both Male & Female- when one of them got a piece they would put it in their mouth, and watch their next chance- some would