From Newberry Transcribe
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1 I am glad to see you. Are your

  children all well?

2 Come hither. I want to whisper to you

  a little.

3 When will you come to town again? 4 Tomorrow? No, on Saturday. 5 Is your father at home? Whither has he gone? 6 Where (are) all the Indians? 7 The potatoes are all gone in my camp. Bring some water, that I may wash my face, and wash my hands, and wash my feet, and wash my clothes.

9. The tea is hot. I burn my mouth. 10 I drink cold water. I ride on horseback. 11 The horse drows the sled, and has small bells around his neck. 12 Are you married? Is that your wife? yes. 13 My husband. I am cold, tired am almost dead with hunger. I hear you, come in, shut the door, sit down