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There has been a flying? report in Camp that the Commissioners are detained by the Indians as Hostages! but this report wants confirmation, for my own part I am rather inclined to believe that it is not founded in truth, otherwise I must have had some information of it before this period thro' some of my underlined secret agents end of underlined Lieutenant Clark has return'd safe to the place after delivering the Arms Ammunition & Provision to the Chickasaws, at the Bluffs to the great joy & Satisfaction of that Nation, & with honor to himself. I am happy to have it in my power to promise you a few Horsmans tents -- which together with every necessary accommodation, that I can aford consistantly with the law, shall be at your service shou'd the war progress With every sentiment of friendship esteem & respect I am Sir your most Humble Sert Anty Wayne The Honble Major Genl Charles Scott