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Head Quarters Hobsons Choice Sepr 4th 1793 Dear Sir I have received dispatches from the Secretary of War, as late as the 16th Ultimo of which the following is an extract viz "Nothing further has been received from the Commissioners since my letters of the 20th of July excepting the letter from Mr Wilson dated at Detroit the 8th July, & from John Parish (a Quaker preacher) at the same place on the 9th July (both of which are enclosed) The result of the treaty thus remaining doubtful, the arrangement for your Collateral force are still to proceed, as well as all other preparations, which will not be inconsistant with the safety of the Commissions, & the faith plighted agreeably to my letter of the 20th of July, which must be rigidly observed. "The President of the United States confides therefore the whole business to you with this restriction however, that no step be taken underlined inconsistant with the safety of the Commisioners, or the implied promises to the Indians" end of underlined
