Pittsburgh 3rd Oct 1792
This will be presented to you by Capt. Jonathan Cass, who has been reliev'd from his Command of Fort Franklin by Capt Hughes, & is now on his way to Philadelphia, with orders to wait upon you, for Recruiting instructions & money to raise a complete company for the Second Sub Legion, he will have it in his power viva voce to give you such information respecting the disposition of the Indians, & the numbers that have gone to meet the Hostile tribes, &ca also of the murder of two Seneca Indians by one of Mr Phelps's people. I shall not at present animadvert upon the views & conduct of the British -- or the cause of the sudden change in the minds of Capt. Brant & the Six Nations - as - expressed in their letters, - any further, than that, it is my decided Opinion -- We shall not have a peace until the Savages are compeled to it, in the field unless you agree to such underline a line ? /underline, as shall totally exclude you from the waters of the Lakes. & you'l find, strenuous advocates for such a boundary even in C------ss?