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manner we may be soonest able to put a stop to the Shedding of blood for as many of our friends of the same peaceable Principle with us for whom you express so much regard, live in different parts of the Province and some on the very Frontiers without something be done soon. They may be unclear among others. Therefore for their Sakes in particular, as well as of our Countrymen in general, we are concern’d to have some speedy stop put to the shedding blood

              Gave a String and some Medals with the King's head

Scarroyada's Answer

              We are glad to hear what you have said to us + to understand

by the Belt you gave us, that you offer to stand up as Willm. Penn’s Children, and that the old Principles of Peace + Love are yet in being. Your Fathers declared that they had nothing but Love + Goodwill in their Hearts to all men. We thought that the People of that Persuasion had been all dead, or bury'd in the Bushes, or in the ashes, but we are very glad there are some of the same men living, + that you offer to stand as Mediators between our Cousins the Delawares + this government now at variance. We will heartily join you herein. It is not only us few who hear you, but all the Six nations. As to this Misfortune it came upon us as if an Evil spirit had arisen from under the Ground, + spread all over the Country and the Blood was begun to be spilt before we had time to think, but we must now all apply to the Good spirit to assist both you and us to subdue the Evil Spirits.

           We will think of the best way to advise you and Communicate our 

sentiments before we leave Town we will fix the Medals you gave us on our Breasts + when ever we look on them, we shall remember, + let others know that some of Willm. Penn's Decendants of the same Principles he was, are still living .........