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To all people to whom this present writing shall com Seachimus Indian Seachim of Seatucket in the county of Barnstable in the government of New Plimouth in New England send greeting know you that I Seachimus Seachim of Seatucket above saide have sould unto John Wing and John Dillingham and Benelm? Winslow and Thomas Clark and Paule? Sears and Annanias Wing and Joseph Wing? ^[[interpolated text above the line follows: to each man according to such Template:Proposition? as is to him already betwixt Template:Uncertain]] A parcell of lands lying and being upone the Southerly sid of Seatucket greate ponds for and in consideration of seaven pounds in curant mony of New England to me the above said Soachimus payed in hand by John Wing and John Dillingham and the Rest of theire parteners above named of Sesuit in the libertyes? of Yarmouth in the County of Barnstable in the Jurisdiction of New Plimouth in New England foresaide. Whereof and wherewith I do acknowledg my selfe fully satisfied satisfied and payed and thereof and of every pece? and parcel thereof doe exonerate Aquit and discharge the saide John Wing and John Dillingham and all theire above mentioned partners theire heirs and either? of theire heirs executiors Administerators Assosiats and assigns and Every of them for ever Buted and Bounded as followeth Begining upone the middle of Seatucket mill Dam and from thence Ranging upon A Straight line due South til you Com to the South Seaand from thence Ranging Along by the Sea Side weasterly to the midle of the Lorring? River mouth which is the Bounde between Seachimus: and Nepiaton? and from thence Ranging northerly along the midle of the River as the river runeth to A marked tree which stands by the Saide River Side neare to John Bells hous which is the Bounde between the Saide Seachimus and nepiathan? afore Saide and from thence Ranging northerly to A marked tree which stands at the head of the upermost greate pond above Saide which is the bounds between S'd Seachimus and s'd nopiaton? and from thence Ranging north Easterly thrugh the midle of the Saide Seatucket ponds to Seatucket mill dam which is the first bounds above mentioned to them the Said John Wing and John Dillingham m: theire associats or partners above saide to them and either of theire heirs heirs forever and by those presons have freely and absolutly given granted bargained sould aliened