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                                                              But Zadkine's workshop (he would not call it atelier)
                                                   is stacked full of outstanding figures, a roomfull of pagan
                                                   creatures which seem to have grown out of trees and rocks. They
     in pencil 7 checked    bring to mind Michelangelo's sonnet: which opens "Never did sculp-
                                                   tor's dream unfold, which marble doth not hold, in its white
                                                   block". Not only marble holds extravagant  form, you see. There
                                                   are chimeras also in wood and iron and common stone.
                                                                                                  Dudley Nichols  (New York Times)
                                                               Zadkine signifie pour nous l'affranchissment par l'ou
                                                bli de toute la science acquise par la réaction contre les canons
                                               du beau; consacrés par cinq siècles et par le triomphe d'un lan-
                                               gage puéril. Qu'on ne se méprenne point sur le sens de notre
in pencil8                         pensée. Les mots: barbage et puéril n'ont pas pour nous la si-
                                              gnification qu'on leur donne l'habitude. Ils nous apparaissent
                                              comme des moyens supreaccent circumflex over the e de rédemption et de libération. Randons
                                              graccent circumflex over the a à  Zadkine d'avoir instauré une forme naicedilla over the i et gauche qui
                                              supplée aux vertues purement traditionnelles par la comme d'é
                                              motions qu'elle contient.
                                                                                                                   Waldemar George.
                                                 Extrait de la (Mongraphie Séléction Bruxelles.) parentheses in pencil, Extrait de la stroked out, accents added in pencil
                                  .....   Spéciale au plus haut degré, chaque oeuvre de Zadkine, est
                                  le combat, le drame réel, mais aussi la communion des volumes
                                  qui definissent le corps et des mouvements d'atmosphère qui

in pencil9 influencent sa réalité visible. C'est là une des originalités

                                  les plus valables de cet artiste. En effet, tout logicien de
                                  son art qu'il soit, Zadkine n'est aucunementprisonnier de sa
                                  forme. Son oeuvre, où l'expérimentation joue un grand roaccent circumflex over the ole,

in pencil English translation above each French line

                                                              Zadkine means for us the[[stroked out] freedom by forgetfulness
                                               of all acquiredstroked out knowledge,thru reaction against the
                                               canons of beauty, consecrated by 5 centuries, and by the triumph of a
                                               purilestroked out puerile language - one must not mistake the
                                               sense of our thought. The words "barbarous" and 
                                              "puerile" have not for us the meaning one ordinarily gives
                                               to them.  They appear to us as the supreme means of
                                               redemption and liberation.  Let us give thanks to
                                               Zadkine for having established a simple and awkward
                                               form which makes up for the purely traditional virtues
                                               by the sum of the emotions which it contains.
                                                           Especially to a great degree, each work of Zadkine is
                                            a struggle, a real drama, but also it is the combination of
                                            the masses which define the body and of the movements of the
                                            atmosphere which influence the visible reality.  There is
                                            one of the most valuable original ideas of this artist.  Truly,
                                            though entirely technical in his art, though he be, Zadkine is not
                                            in any way a slave to his formula.
                                           His work, where experiment plays a
                                           great role,