the blind decrees of despotism that they cheat and shackle, than rally behind our dignified Representatives and sign the charter for Liberty. Finally, the People, do not hold against them the bad that they do not do, because they only attribute their inaction to their helplessness; they fear their sinister schemes, they fear that on the first occasion, they will return to the route of corruption from which they have just been chased away. Chain them up, to shield them from the fury of an enraged Nation, which having begun a scene of prescriptions will not stop seeking revenge. Chain them up to protect yourselves from their criminal schemes. So the People do not have to punish them a second time. New crimes would bring about punishments that would know no limits, and the entirety of France would be devastated. Forewarn these tragedies, which the internal furor they harbor might be preparing for us in the middle of a deceitful calm. Pray for the Monarch to banish for a long time from the Kingdom those among them whose names do not bring shame upon the list of your noble names. Pay the greatest attention to every move others make; at the least infraction exclude them from , you have the right to do so, they have already been judged, their peers could not reproach you for an act of justice. Have a secure place, guarded by soldiers of the Fatherland, so their person can be safe for the duration of your work; or let an exile, far from this Fatherland that tears their heinous ambition, deliver us from their harmful presence; it is the mildest punishment that could be demanded by an offended People who for a long time have been their victim.