to Judge mens harts, that Belong to God. Secondly I cannot deny, but that many of em? Especially that younger sort, that unclear been & are souldiers?, but they are much? to be outtaken with drinks. I could wish they had not to unclear example & temptation, therunto by som English especialy unclear as haved been follow loudly? in the warry? who are very ready with? they meet the Indians to to unclear aprove? strong drinks for them, & other for filthy? unclear fake? sell them. Strong drink unclear prohibeted by law, Indeed a very litle matter will intoxirate unclear for beeing bled? to to drinke watter, they cannot become? a 4 unclear of wEat and unclear in on will become. I haved known one drunke with as litle? as on Eighth part of a pint of strong water & heard with litle more a pint of cider I do not plead to Justify them in Such actions. but Endeed to declare the drunke as unclear are. Thirdly I cannotdeny but