Thursday April 9th 1863.
To day is as lovely as May -- we all well -- at twelve O.clock I took Belle & Eva and went to the laying of the corner Stone of the Unitarian Church -- It was very impressive -- many were there -- Miss Schoofenberg came to see me -- I wrote home --to night the children had Louisa & Florence Clark, Lilly Harmon Lena Flint and Nelly Clyde to tea -- they enjoyed themselves --
Friday April 10th 1863.
It look like rain early this morning -- and really has, often to day sprinkled I went shopping for a head dress and did not find one -- we all well Belle & Eva spent Afternoon with Emily Gilman -- at eight O. clock -- Mr Badger, Octave and Mr Bigelow and myself all went out to Mr Bryan,s to the Grasshopper Club -- it rained some -- we enjoyed our evening very much -- returned home in our Carriage at two? in the morning at seven in the evening there was a large fire -- and at two next morning it broke out again -- we rode up to the fire with Mr Bigelow it was an awful sight -- yet very grand -- the stores were owned by D. J? Ely. and filled with Whiskey & Alcohol. Mr Badger/my Husband lost Six hundred barrels of flour -- but it was insured.
Saturday April 11th 1863.
It is a bright day -- at one O. clock -- I went to Mr Gards Photograph