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This Section? tein is a smart little place I slung up in a hurry among the stumps and trees there being in this place three unclear rivating each others. Section truelue lie through a poor unclear of country low and wet. May 30 Tuesday at 6oek morn arrived at the Junction of the Miami and The Wabash Erie Canal. here unclearCafet Bliys took the Wash Canal and went down to unclear in Indiana where he belong when at home. I wait here for another boat which soon comesup, Capt Shallet with whoom I I took popaye to Detiave, eight miles, fasre $.50 at Defiana got my trunk and tool chest stored at Mr J Tattles Commiysion Store on the canal, and at three our started off on foot for my Brothers at Evansport, twelve miles where I arrived just before sunset. I learn that my brother had removed to Conten township nine miles further West. Then unclear up at a public house and got supper and took a wale out. called at my brothers house awpied by M Foster a methodist preacher who inveited me to stay with him over night