133 to Divine Giver of all good in behalf of the poor prisoner now about to be sent to meat his creator.# The prisoner eyes were bandaged, and he took his seat on the coffin shook the hands of the Provost Marshall and Chaplain. the chaplain then passed behind the guard while the Provost Marshall took his stand to the right. The guard was then inspected. After which the commands "Ready," "Aim," "Fire" were given in deliberate succession and the prisoner fell forward on his face. The guard had made bad work of it, and had not shot him quite dead. The reserve was then ordered up close and shot him through the head. After this the brigade passed the body in review and the Regts. filed off to their respective camps. This is the 2d execution I have witnesses and I pray Got it may be the last. It is anything but pleasant to see an individual thus launched into eternity.