Ex alio libro ?
Write theis names in the palme of thy right hand Gel Gym Gratum [illegible] and Gobosorver thou handlest them [illegible] shall be thy frend.
Write theis 3 names in an Apple Moneth, [Burls?], Tetragrammaton, and thy name, and her name and give it her to eate. Saepe probatum est.
Gather the herb Celandine in the day and houre of [sun] bring in his Exaltacion or in his owne house put it under thy right eare [illegible] whosoever secret thou desyrest to know of man or woman It shalbe showed thee in thy sleep.
Macsymeteyl is the name of the Angel of [sun] by whose hlep thou mayst gather the herb.
Write theis words in an Apple with her knyfe + Agla + Alpha + et Omega + on pater + filius + on Spiritus Sancti 2. b. g. 4. 3. In nomine Patris et filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen. Give her to eate, et prebatum est.