"The eldest of their beloved men leads the sacred dance. ? - Dancing was a religious ceremony with the Hebrews of great Solemnists?. Ps. ch: 149 - v 30 - Let them praise his name in the dance; let them sing praises unto him with the timbrel & harp. 150 v.4. "Praise him with the timbrel & dance; praise him with ?." - 2
Ch VI, v.14 And David danced before the Lord with all his might; & David was ? with a linen ?." Ps. 30. 11. Them hast turned me frozen ? mourning into dancing: then hast put off my ? cloth, and guided me with gladness. -
xxx "In the meantime, every one at the temple drinks plentifully of the cassava, and other bitter liquid, to cleanse their sinful bodies, as they suppose?. - Numbers ch: IX c.11. The fourteenth day of the month, at even, they shall keep it, and eat it, with unleavened bread, and bitter herbs.
Ex: 12. v.7. And they shall eat the flesh in the night, roast with fire, & unleavened bread; & with bitter herbs they shall eat it." -
xxxxx "On the evening of the same day, they ? and then