Emblemata PoliticaMain MenuIntroductionThe History of a Hybrid BookNewberry DIS09980eb76a145ec4f3814f3b9fb45f381b3d1f02
Understanding Rem's Book
12021-04-19T17:04:29+00:00Newberry DIS09980eb76a145ec4f3814f3b9fb45f381b3d1f0261plain2021-04-19T17:04:29+00:00Newberry DIS09980eb76a145ec4f3814f3b9fb45f381b3d1f02The Rem manuscript at the Newberry Library offers a glimpse into the intellectual and social life of early modern Nürnberg. Like all emblems, the emblems in Rem’s book were designed to speak to his contemporaries, who approached them with a particular set of learned habits, religious beliefs, and shared experiences that they used to interpret them. Readers who encounter Rem’s book today no longer have access to the cultural foundations of Rem’s manuscript. This section is intended to supply that lost context by offering interpretations of the emblems at the heart of Rem’s project and explaining the social, intellectual, religious, and architectural meanings and stories that lay beneath the surface of this remarkable book.