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apprehended and brought to Nantes, 7 of whom were women, executed without judgement. 3. Having authorized a military commission to shoot country people, some of whom had never taken up arms. Having secretly infiltrated various towns at night, whose inhabitants had remained calm for two months, cultivating their fields, he ordered that they be indistinctly shot without being questioned. 4. Having drowned and shot many brigands who had surrendered themselves in Nantes having been promised amnesty. 5. Having eighty or more brigands on horseback, who were armed and had equipment, suffer the same fate as other prisoners, even though they had come in the name of the enemy army to surrender and deliver their superiors, bound hand and foot. They had said that three of them would go as emissaries to get the final agreement, and that the others would remain hostages. 7. Having given unlimited power to the previously named Lamberty, who then used it to drown priests and other people, and commit republican marriages, which entailed stripping a young boy and a young girl, tying them together, and throwing them into the water. 9. Having forbidden all the citizens from obeying the orders of Trehouard, the representative of the people, so as to [illegible] of the powers of the National Convention by declaring him to be a partisan of all the federalists and royalists, moderate and anti-revolutionaries from countries he had traveled to. Also because Trehouard, the representative of the people, had Lebatteux arrested who, in possession of the unlimited powers of Carrier and at the head of a so-called Revolutionary army, had engaged in excessive behavior and other arbitrary acts including having eight individuals arrested and shot, although two of them produced proper civil certificates.

10. Having written to General Haxe, on the 23rd of Frimaire , that the intention of the National Convention was to exterminate all those living in Vendée , and to burn down all of their houses. Upon receiving this letter, some generals burned down a large number of towns in the region, as well as farms, and cut the throats of both patriot and rebel residents regardless of sex or age. 11. Having given the leader, and each member of the Marat Legion, powers that gave them a way to attack the liberty, safety and property of all citizens. Did the most excessive conspirators, the most cruel enemy of the Republic, more treacherously assassinated the Republic, did they make a more daring attempt against national sovereignty? Corruption, wastefulness, burglary, armed robbery, immoralities, misuse of authority and power, murder, assassinations; these are the crimes of which the villainous Carrier and his accomplices are found guilty and for which they are convicted by the revolutionary court.