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With the ringing of bronze Tintinabuloru

    according to some, although they are not from the
    universal approval opinon
    The brass thinks that force should not be

(5) The antiquity. Therefore, the priesthood is a sleek and airy

    [Use]; I should be at Honi observed
    She also cause voids in Metamorpheses
    MEDEA swung three bronze. idem
    In the interest of calendar brass shades

(10) in the sacred Lemural expelled from the anus say.

    Alexander had Aphrodiseus in their problem, [illegible]
    repulsed, but you say to the evil spirits of the air, the sound of the; [Illegible]
    Therefore, [the] moon, the air moves in
    been the practice of this variety; Evius also voids

(15) Cicero àten others [defurente] and [if]

    The moon was struggling in the air, [illegible] abandoned
    It is both a Coelio the Rhodigno
    oldtime books. Led. It was observed properties.
    There is also a Polyd. Virgilio of the books

(20) Inventors of letters command

    Or of the bells and the sound of the Tintinabuloru
    fugori demons, so that wind or
    Grand brine [finest] Christie [?] from here
    For diuels works surpass the trees [fruits]

(25) catastrophe [invebitur] Campana hit [illegible]

    Sa [?] Divine Augustinian of bad breath
    daemonibusq [UAE] weather started declaring
    Why [City] ringing and ringing and demons.