to Mary McClurg?. Big[underlined] Will Quail thinks he made a great mistake in not marrying long ago he is so very happy, it seems to be the understanding that Will McRennan? and Ada Ramsey will unite farms. Julius says on account of the last frost he must defer looking for a wife another year, poor fellow he has had to go over his corn field 4 times, the first time the ground squirrels eat it then the frost & he clipped it all with the shears which doing no good he replanted the third time. Nicolas goes back tomorrow. Romaine will probably remain two of three weeks. We expect Mr. Wills on saturday. I hope he will bring us good news from you. God bless & keep you all, you are ever in my thoughts and prayers. I hope for a change in this separation. Mr. Vinton? writes me that Sarah is not very well Romy had been quite sick we have heard? from her but once since her return, she was much pleased with her trip, speaks of having been to Phila. on business so I fear she intends publishing some thing else, poor Sarah I believe the proceeds were to go to the Catholic priest. Kate Hopkins visited the Blaine's last winter and heard Mrs? Blaine and the priests speak very disparagingly of the merits of the book, but very willing to receive the proceeds this letter should have gone today, but as I had no good news to tell you I could not bear to send I am so sorry & grievece? but I twill? not always be so