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                                                                                    Shockleys on [unclear]  June 23 - 27
                                                                                              [Sarah W. Shockley, Avon Park Fla]

Dear Mrs. Walden

                          It is late - 10Pm - and I am very

tired. Have just been making out an order 2 Wards for a lot of "every-day" toggery for the household, shoes overalls, shirts, underwear & etc. The contemplation of such a list of things isn't provocative of poetry or thrills by a downsight. Still folks who work and sweat and get dirty like we do this humid, hot weather can afford to be grateful for a goodly supply of inexpensive garments that make no protest against lavish applications of soap and water. Though it has been two months or more since we began operations on the home there is very little to show for it. We seem to get more involved in dirt and expense every day. For two weeks now we have had Beelen (?) - he works in brick and concrete - usually under Dilley. He has about completed steps at north and south entrances and is at work on septic tank. Francis seems to be making a full hand at the work, Byrum busies himself most of the time attending the "Trans - Florida's'" grove work - it seems unending - now he has started two men in on the pruning, Johnson charges $9 - per day for one man and two mules. I am mighty fearful that "Trans - Fla" will mow up "Paradise" when they see the figures. The mango crop is waning rapidly now - in a few days they will be gone. I am glad "Mother" enjoyed them I think of her so often and wish there was some way to be found for reducing that swelling - I am sure