There were 35 deaths of Cholera there two or three weeks since though there are none lately. They have to pay men double wages to work there, and this then they hardly do any thing. As Jonesboro they call it perfectly healthy now. There were two or three cases of Cholera there a few weeks ago, among the rest. Mr. Watson after some exposure & fatigue had it, and pretty severely too the rest say. He has had it two or three times before though, and says, if where he can be taken care of and properly treated he isn't so much of it as of a Bad Cold! The Cholera seems to have been pretty bad in Chicago, as well as St. Louis, and also I suspect in all the Eastern Cities. I am afraid they may have it again at Bangor! Here it is perfectly healthy as it seems everywhere except at Big Muddy, and there is no body there now. Mr. Noel came up from there sick week before last, has had a sum of Billious fever, & is about well now. Same of Alpem, German Foreman at Big Muddy; Well now. Mr. Mitchell has not been very well this summer for a month or two: a week ago yesterday came up from Big Muddy sick, has had a sort of slow Billious fever, at Mr. Keyes' home. Is better and will soon be about again. My own health is very much better than last summer I think. The hot weather does not seem to affect me at all. It did some at first in Jun. But the hot weather in June was different from this & really worse I think. Not so hot days, but not fall below 80 F at any time in the twentyfour hours, at the same time not rising above about 92 in the Afternoon. Now for a week or two past the Thermometer rises frequently to 97 or 98 in the Afternoon in the coolest situations; and has been 95 at 8 P.M., but falls before morning? nearly to 70F.