From Newberry Transcribe
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8 A short distance through heavy timber this morning and we came to quite a high bold ridge which it became necessary to cross. and from the summit of which we had one of those magnifficent mountain views so common to the Oregon Mountaineers. Diamond Peak a high Snowy Mountain. lay N. W of us and is situated on the Summit ridge at the N. side of the head of the middle fork of the Willamette River, and another snowy Butte lying S. E. and near the head of the Umpqua River and Rogue River also several other peaks and rocky craters and cones along the summit which I readily recognized, which proved at once that I was much nearerunderlined correct in my estimates than the miners. From these developements it was certain we would not reach the summit for several days A rock chimny or crater directly to the east of us and plainly visible from the trail beyond the mountains will be our guide for the present Decending on the east side down into a deep timbered canyon to a stream about 8 feet wide running N. to the Willamette River and camped under a thick grove of large