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11 where they lodged the night before, they brought a letter From mr James Fitch minister of Norwich, to our governer & Counll signifying that their sachim Uncas had sent them to assist the English against their enimy Philip, these had given some intimations, of the tender of yr service some daies before by 6 messengers sent on purpose but they were not expected to come so speedily as they did. July the 29 those 50 mohiegins & three of our praying indians of natick beeing joyned with ym for guides & in messengers were sent forth from Boston, conducted by quarter master Swift & ply of horse & were ordered at first ( by the Govner of Plimoth into which colony they were to pass) to march toward Taunton, but after they wire upon yr way, the governor of plimoth sent ym othr orders to goe to Rehobath or Seconk where hee did on wittingly not yn knowing anything [number 03 in margin] of Philips flight. But this thing was so ordered by the divine hand For these mohegins & natick inidans came to Seconke, that night before that phillup & all his company beeing judged about 5 hundred of all sorts men women & children, passed out the end of Reheboth plumil? within 2 or 3 miles of the towne where ye mohegans & naticks quarterd, what forces could bee speedily raised in those parts got to gether to pursue phillip, wee were not above ten from taunton thirty four from providence thirty from secunk al english, wee joyning together with the mohegan & naticke indians made aboat 128 men these pursued the enimy vigoursly upon the first of August beeing the Lords day, & came up with the reare of the enimy aboat ten a clocke in the foore noon the enimy had brought his best men into the reare to opose our forces Wee pursueud; but our men and particularly the mohegin & naticke indians beehaived ym selvs with pure courage & activity, as was certifyed by a letter from Mr Newman of Rehobath minister that was present in the fight that they slew fourteen of the enimies princepall men & woonded divers others, whereof on Nimorod a cheefe captane & councille to philip was one slaine, also they took a considerable Booty which the mohegen indians loaded them selvs with which to gether with the extreme heat of ys weather, & the woonds of 2 or 3 of our side (But none were slaine of ours) I occasioned them to give out their chase for a time to refresh them selves in the interim the Enimy got such a start before our men that they escaped through Capt Henchman