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note top left: Eva 14, Friday March 12, 1875 note top right: Belle 13 This is a beautiful bright day, but very Sloppy under foot as the snow is all melting, and there is fear of a flood, in the Country and in the Cellars, Eva gone to inquire after Belle. Belle,s baby came up to see me to day. Mr blank Wilson called, after lunch I went to see Belle found her still in bed and with fever and cold in her head. Some severe pain in her brain. I stayed with her untill seven, my two boys and Tom went with George Meeker. Ada,s new hat came home, it is white chip and blue ribbon, it is very pretty. Saturday March 13, 1875 This has been a sunny warm day but very wet from the melting snow under foot. all of us Well here at home but Belle is still quite sick with bad pain in her head. I stayed almost all day with her. Eva spent the morning with her. Ada and George Meeker gone to see Mulberry Sellars at the Academy of Music. So did Sheridan and T. Shreve Shreve Badger stayed at home. To night Ada has gone to her Literary Class at Mrs Sharp,s, George Harvey spent the day with Hunt Mrs P.D. Smith called X Sunday March 14, 1875 X The sun is shining brightly, Ada went to church, I went to Belle,s and spent the morning. She is a little better I came home to three O,clock dinner on account of Eva,s Birthday, had a splendid dinner finished with Ice Cream Cake and Charlotte Russe. I then returned to Belle,s and spent the afternoon, Shreve came in the Phaeton for me at Seven, I returned home and we had Icream and Cake, all my family well. So has ended Eva,s birthday, at seven O,clock it rained very hard, Monday March 15, 1875. This has been a very bad day. high wind rain and snow and in every respect horrid Jennie Keep came to beg me for some money for the old La fonts, Ada went down to see Belle, I went and stayed with Belle untill dark. She is not so well to day. Mrs Hilton has been ill but is now better, all of my family Well.